PSCI 3055 001 Marx on the Human Condition

Lecture. Examines Marx's unique and controversial contributions as one of the most important political thinkers of the modern era. Concludes with a consideration of relevance of Marx's thought in the era of globalization. Satisfies G.E. area UD-D. Upper Division G.E. courses are designed to be taken after upper-division status (completion of 60 semester units) is attained.

Updated1 Course Id Units Day Time Room Location Instructor Additional
Course Fees
8/19/2020 7:00 AM PSCI 3055 001 3 MWF
12:00P - 12:50P
TURLOCK Lee, Shu Shan
$0.00 WAIT
1Date/Time indicates when this event was reported to the feed, the actual event may have occurred earlier.
2Availability was last reported on 12/19/2020 5:00 PM. Actual availability may differ.

Course Notes
Fully Online - Synchronous. Online class meetings will be at the day and time listed.